Performance and Scaling

With ever increasing sample size, this page gives some tips how to speed up processing.

What works

  • Use BCF instead of VCF. With many samples this speeds up things significantly. When using multiple bcftools commands, stream it as uncompressed BCF. This point cannot be emphasized enough: when streamed as VCF, the program parses the plain text VCF representation into the binary BCF representation understood by the computer, than converting the binary representation into plain text just to be converted into the binary form again. So, stream like this instead

bcftools mpileup -Ou ... | bcftools call -Ou ... | bcftools annotate -o output.bcf
  • Split and process by region.

bcftools view -r chr:beg-end
  • Use localized tags. With extremely many samples (tens and hundreds of thousands), the quadratic scaling of Number=G tags (namely FORMAT/PL) causes problems for highly variable indel sites. There can be dozens of alternate alleles and a single VCF row can exceed the BCF limit of ~2GB per row. This problem can be avoided by switching to local alleles described in this pull request to the VCF specification. The space inefficient PL tags are replaced with LPL tags which represent the same information subset to locally relevant alleles

FORMAT/LAA .. Increasing, 1-based indices into ALT indicating which alleles are relevant
FORMAT/LPL .. The same as PL but subset to REF and LAA alleles
FORMAT/LAD .. The same as AD but subset to REF and LAA alleles

The local alleles are supported in bcftools at the VCF merging stage (see the -L, --local-alleles option in the merge) where the multiallelic sites are most likely to be generated. One can also convert back and forth between normal and localzied tags using the tag2tag plugin.

What does not work

  • The --threads option is less useful than you think. The --threads option is currently used only for uncompressing input and compressing output, not for processing itself. Therefore setting it to unrealistically high values may not help much. It is recommended to perform some benchmarking if uncertain.


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